A salt water hot tub is NOT an ocean experience

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Do you like the ocean?  If so, you should know that a salt water hot tub is NOT an ocean experience.   A salt water hot tub system is essentially an expensive chlorine factory.

A salt system uses an electronic Salt Cell to break down sodium chloride (also known as table salt) into two chemicals:  Sodium and Chlorine.

So, you only have to add salt to the system, instead of chlorine.  That sounds easy and cheap, right?

Do you know what happens to metals when they are submerged in the ocean?  Salt water is corrosive, so metals deteriorate. 

A chlorine generator is an expensive option for a hot tub, either from the factory in a new tub, or as an add on to an existing tub.  Because salt is so corrosive, you’ll end up replacing metallic parts like heaters and pumps prematurely.  And the salt cell will also need to be replaced every few years.

Image of heater element damaged by salt generator

Just a single year in a salt generator destroyed this heating element,

To use a salt system, you must constantly monitor and adjust the pH of your hot tub with acid.  The salt cells also need regular cleaning – also in acid.  So, you still have to play chemist, instead of just relaxing in your hot tub.

There are many less expensive ways to take care of your hot tub water than salt generators.  Self- dispensing chemical systems like the FROG system use minerals and less chlorine than other systems.  But those chemicals are expensive, use lots of non-recyclable plastic cartridges, and can still cause reactions for bathers with sensitive skin.

For a chemical free sanititzing system, we like the Ecosmarte Non-Chemical sanitizing system because it uses no chlorine and no bromine.  It generates copper and oxygen ions electronically,  and requires very little involvement from a homeowner to keep it working.  Over the life of a hot tub, it’s also cheaper than chemicals or salt generators. 

As a repair company, we should love salt generators – they can certainly create a lot of expensive work for us.  But for hot tub owners, we recommend to all our customers to stay away from those chlorine factories.